Chautauqua’s popular entertainment experience

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What’s the Institution’s policy on people dancing in front of the stage during popular music events in the Amphitheater? I have personally witnessed Institution Staff ask people to return to their seats multiple times but during the recent Indigo Girls/Melissa Etheridge concert patrons were allowed to approach the stage. Clearly there are different rules for different concerts. If the answer is that the individual artist sets the rules I would suggest that it be printed in the Daily AND Debra Sunya Moore makes the announcement of the protocol for that nights event. If the policy is set by the Institution please explain why it was not enforced last Friday. P.S. The people dancing last Friday were having a blast and the Institution should welcome it.

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Thanks for this question, which anticipates and nicely articulates some of the variables we are managing in these situations, including the fact that “dance releases” are worked out between the artist and our venue management with input from security and front-of-house staff. You are correct that each concert is different and it’s always a combination of our house protocols and artist requests. This summer, for many concerts, we communicated the following language to single ticket buyers in the front sections who would be most affected by a “dance release:”

At Chautauqua Amphitheater, dancing is permitted in front of your seat, but not in aisles. At this concert, the artist and venue may decide to allow dancing directly in front of the stage for the last few songs of the evening. Please be aware that this “dance release” can result in blocked views in the front sections for the final section of the concert. If you would like to change your seats based on this information, please contact the ticket office.

We are considering how we can better communicate these expectations so patrons can know what to expect. 

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